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What is 3Play Media?

3PlayMedia offers accurate captioning services for video and audio content. The Digital Accessibility Office set up a campus contract with 3Play Media. This means that all departments have access to 3Play Media’s services and features at a discounted price.

Key features

3Play Media offers:

  • 99% accuracy for pre-recorded videos (industry leader)
  • flexible turnaround times
  • integrations with YouTubePanoptoWarpWire, and more
  • easy-to-use, web-based system

Why should you use 3Play Media for your videos?

Classes, meetings, and more use video to inform and communicate with campus members and beyond. Captioning these videos ensures we include everyone.

Using 3Play Media makes it easy to:

  • caption pre-recorded videos in a matter of days
  • set up live automatic captions for classes, open meetings, and more
  • integrate with YouTube, Panopto, and other platforms
  • automatically push captions to pre-uploaded videos on YouTube
  • ensure compliance with  UNC’s Digital Accessibility Policy

Course content

2016 study performed by 3Play Media and Oregon State University found the majority of students find captions helpful when learning new information. They also use captions to overcome sound-sensitive or loud environments.

Note: A student accommodation request takes priority for captioning all video and audio content in a course.

Open meetings

Open meetings need captions if they are live streamed to a broad audience. If you are hosting a live streamed open meeting, the DAO needs at least 3 business days advanced notice to help you prepare. This gives us time to discuss your specific needs and practice or schedule a live captioner if needed.

3Play Media provides a Live Automatic Captioning service that works with Zoom and YouTube. It isn’t the only option for Open Meetings.

Reach out to the Digital Accessibility Office through UNC’s online help request with any questions.

Who should use 3Play Media?

Any UNC campus member using video or audio for official University business. This includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Hosts of NC Open Meetings or other meetings open to the public
  • Instructors or faculty using video or audio in their courses
  • Social media managers
  • Campus communicators

How much does it cost?

The cost will depend on which service you choose, but 3Play Media is transparent about their pricing. When you login to your new account, you can see a complete list of prices under Billing.

If you have questions about cost or budget, please reach out to our office by submitting an online help request.

How to request your account

We recommend attending our Digital Accessibility Awareness and Captioning trainings before submitting your request. For access to 3Play Media, request a Tool Onboarding with the Digital Accessibility Office via an online help request.

Open meeting requests

If you are hosting an NC Open Meeting or another prominent meeting, please reach out at least 3 business days before the scheduled meeting. This gives us time to discuss your specific needs and practice or schedule a live captioner if needed.


3Play Media provides helpful guides and documentation on their website: